- Destination type: Hikes
Kenya’s 3rd highest mountain, Ole Satima, stands tall at 4001m and is the highest point in the Aberdares Ranges
The scenic route to the peak is through Dragon’s teeth which are a series of massive rocky outcrops hutting out from the moorland
The hike is 16km long and due to the high altitude, long hiking distance, highly unpredictable weather, this hike is considered as a difficult hike
The elevation change is over 600m from the starting point being at 3380m and going on to 4001m over the course of an 8km trail. The return is also 8km, hence a total distance of 16km
For this trail, we’ll be using Shamata gate. The distance is about 180km from Nairobi CBD and due to the nature of the roads, it may take 5-6 hours to get there
Due to this, we would advise that we leave Nairobi at 5am so as to give us enough time to attempt the hike
- Hiking level – difficult. Total hiking distance is 16 km. Factors contributing to difficult hiking experience include the long distance, high altitude, cold unpredictable weather and low atmospheric oxygen
- Main attractions – Dragon’s teeth rock formations, undulating valleys, high altitude vegetation, views
- Type of hike – mountain hike
- Atmospheric conditions – tends to be cold, foggy, wet or cloudy.
- Slipping hazard – minimal except where there are pools that have collected
- Steepness – total elevation change is 600m over 8km and there are several steep sections at the rocky sections
- Hiking path condition – narrow single file trails in most sections with wet ground conditions in places
- Water usage – medium to high – recommend a minimum of 2 litre depending on weather
- Route visibility – the trail is generally visible except for a few places where the paths can split
- Biodiversity – numerous species of insects, birds and trees
- Good hiking boots, walking stick
- Cold weather gear, rain gear
- Water – at least 2 litres
- Snacks and lunch, high energy and protein meals